Cloud API Overview > @adpt/cloud > k8s
k8s namespace
Adapt components for Kubernetes
Class | Description |
K8sContainer | Kubernetes-specific container. |
Pod | Component for Kubernetes Pods |
Resource | Primitive Component recognized by the k8s plugin to represent resources |
ServiceDeployment | A component for mapping a group of abstract Containers and NetworkServices to Kubernetes k8s.Pods and k8s.K8sContainers. |
Function | Description |
computeNamespaceFromMetadata(metadata) | |
Container(props) | Component that implements the abstract Container interface and translates to a Kubernetes-specific k8s.K8sContainer. |
isK8sContainerElement(x) | Tests whether an element is a k8s.K8sContainer element |
isResourceFinalElement(e) | Type assertion to see if an element is both a Resource and a @adpt/core#FinalElement |
k8sContainerProps(abstractProps, k8sProps) | Low level utility function to translate from the abstract Container component props (ContainerProps) to k8s.K8sContainerProps to be used in a k8s.K8sContainer. |
makeClusterInfo(options) | Make a k8s.ClusterInfo object suitable for use with k8s resources |
Service(propsIn) | Native Kubernetes Service resource |
Interface | Description |
ClusterInfo | Holds the information needed to connect, authenticate, and run code in a kuberenetes cluster |
ContainerPort | |
ContainerProps | Props for k8s.Container(). |
ContainerSpec | Resource spec for a Kubernetes container. See the Kubernetes API docs for more details. |
CRSpec | |
EnvVarFrom | |
EnvVarSimple | |
K8sContainerProps | Props for the Kubernetes-specific k8s.K8sContainer component. |
Kubeconfig | |
MakeClusterInfoOptions | Options for k8s.makeClusterInfo() |
Metadata | |
PodProps | |
PodSpec | Spec for for Kubernetes Pods |
ResourceBase | |
ResourceCR | |
ResourceInfo | |
ResourcePod | |
ResourceService | |
ServiceDeploymentProps | Props for k8s.ServiceDeployment |
ServicePort | |
ServiceProps | |
ServiceSpec |
Type Aliases
Type Alias | Description |
EnvVar | |
FromContainerProps | See k8s.k8sContainerProps(). |
Kind | Kubernetes Kind |
ResourceProps | |
Spec |