build(root, styles, options) | |
buildOnce(root, styles, options) | |
callFirstInstanceWithMethod(hand, def, methodName, args) | (BETA) Search for the first built Element instance in the Handle chain of hand that implements method methodName and immediately execute it. |
callInstanceMethod(hand, def, methodName, args) | (BETA) Search for the first built Element in the handle chain of hand and immediately execute the instance method methodName on that Element's instance. |
callNextInstanceWithMethod(hand, def, methodName, args) | (BETA) Starting with the successor of hand , search for a built Element instance in the handle chain that implements method methodName and immediately execute it. |
childrenToArray(propsChildren) | |
cloneElement(element, props, children) | |
concatStyles(styles) | Concatenate all of the rules of the given Style elements together into a single Style element that contains all of the rules. Always returns a new Style element and does not modify the Style element parameters. |
createContext(defaultValue) | |
createElement(ctor, props, children) | |
createStateStore(json) | |
deepFilterElemsToPublic(o) | |
defaultChildStatus(props, mgr, data) | |
defaultDeployedWhen(el) | Creates a function that implements the default deployedWhen behavior for an Element. |
errorToNoStatus(err) | |
findElementsInDom(stylesIn, dom) | |
findPathsInDom(stylesIn, dom) | |
gqlGetOriginalErrors(err) | |
handle(name) | User-facing API for creating a Handle |
hasInstanceMethod(name, skip) | |
isApplyStyle(el) | |
isDefaultKey(props) | |
isDeferredElement(val) | |
isElement(val) | |
isHandle(val) | |
isMountedElement(val) | |
isMountedPrimitiveElement(elem) | |
isPrimitiveElement(elem) | |
mergeDefaultChildStatus(props, parentStatus, mgr, data, transformParentStatus) | |
noStatusOnError(f) | |
noTransform(val) | |
registerObserver(obs, nameIn) | |
rule(override) | |
ruleNoRematch(info, elem) | Marks an element returned by a style rule to not rematch that rule. |
serializeDom(root, options) | |
stack(stackName, root, style) | |
throwObserverErrors(results) | |
useAsync(f, initial) | |
useBuildHelpers() | |
useContext(context) | |
useDependsOn(f) | |
useDeployedWhen(deployedWhen, options) | Hook for adding a custom deployedWhen method to a function component. |
useImperativeMethods(create) | |
useInstanceValue(hand, initial, field) | (BETA) Get the value of field from the instance referenced by handled instance. |
useMethod(hand, method) | (BETA) Call an instance method on the Element that hand refers to. |
useMethod(hand, initial, method, args) | (BETA) |
useMethod(hand, method) | (BETA) |
useMethod(hand, initial, method, args) | (BETA) |
useMethodFrom(provider, methodName, defaultVal) | Hook to create an imperative method for a component which forwards calls to another component. |
useState(init) | |